Wednesday 10 August 2011

First post!

Hello, parents and family! We're in the middle of our third week, and our blog is now up and running! The first few posts will show you what our classroom looks like, and perhaps some of our recent work as well.

First off, let us explain our name. We are named the Blogging Bilbies because we have a class pet - Milo! Milo comes home with one of us every night, and we write about it in Milo's journal. Then, the next morning, we read our work to the class and share what we've done.

We've been so busy lately! Every day we spend quite a bit of time on reading, spelling and writing.  We also spend time on mental maths.  With all that work, sometimes it's hard to fit everything else in! We've been doing great lately, though. Mr. F is very proud of us.

We have to go soon, but first we'd like to tell you about some of our work, and our stoplight! We have an upside-down stoplight that helps us control our behavior. We have coloured clothes pins with our names written on them. Any time we misbehave or disrupt class we move our pin down to the next color. Have a look!

Here's some work from earlier this week.  We talked with Mr. F about the things we see around us, and if they're natural or man-made. We then made lists of the things we see around our own houses, and we drew out our lists.

Here's some work from last week.  We thought about what we did on our holidays, and we posed like we were doing it again. Mr. F took a picture and printed it, we cut it out, and then we drew in the rest of the scene! It was really fun to mix photographs and drawings.

We'll get some new work up here soon. Thanks for reading!

Heaps of love,

Mr. F and the Blogging Bilbies


  1. great job kids!

  2. This is AWESOME! Kudos to Mr. F for creating this blog!!! from Geraldine's Mom

  3. Tess L said.....
    Hi all I live in WA. your blog looks great. I love your blog great job Blogging Bilbies.
    From Tess L

  4. Hey there Blogging Bilbies. This is fantastic! It is great to hear and see what you are doing each day. Hip Hip Hooray to Mr F for creating this blogging site. Love Evan's Mum
